Wednesday 21 March 2012


I have lots of things to do. Lots. I have a very busy full-time job, a degree to complete, a separate foundation degree to embark on, writing projects to work on, some really important paperwork to get started with (speeding fine if you must know), a pretty healthy social life, as well as the day-to-day drudgery of running a home and a family.
So why, on a free evening when I have the house pretty much to myself, do I find myself in front of the TV watching the home shopping channels??! I could be doing anything, writing, studying, ironing, housework; something productive at least. But no, I decide that watching (frankly odd) TV presenters demonstrating activities like steam-cleaning a dirty hob, or making chips in some giant-hot-air-frying-thing is infinitely better than say, reading a Psychology text-book or actually ironing some clothes.
Now I have a lot of guilty pleasures as far as TV is concerned. I love a bit of trash telly; Ashley Banjo’s Secret Dance Crew, America’s Next Top Model Allstars (really doesn’t get any better than that, believe me), throw in a bit of Big Fat Gypsy whatever and a dollop of pretty much anything on the Crime and Investigation channel and you’ve got a pretty good idea of my secret TV watching habits. But this home shopping stuff….this is a new low. This is procrastination at its very worst. (I have to point out, very firmly, that I have never, I repeat never, been even so much as tempted to buy anything at all from these channels. HONEST!)
So, tonight I’m doing some productive stuff. I think it’s time for some resolve. I bought a new notebook and two lovely pens yesterday. Instead of trying not to get excited about the new range of Liz Earle skincare on QVC (this stuff is actually very good. I kid you not!), I will use my new notepad to make notes for future writing projects. (I’ve got blogs in my head that need writing, maybe a longer term project as well as a co-writing thing). I’ll also enrol (successfully this time) onto my foundation degree course. I may even get round to paying my speeding fine and opening the ever-growing pile of post that is sitting on my desk.
Oh...but I’ve just noticed that The Apprentice is about to start…
The resolve starts tomorrow…

1 comment:

  1. Procrastination is one my hobbies, when I can be arsed to start it. Tricky.

    Co-writing? Say it ain't so...
