I can't leave it too long after my last blog post to raise a metaphorical glass to my friends. I am just about the luckiest person alive to have actually the best friends ever created. Fact.
I mentioned last time that I don't suffer fools, that I've cut people out of my world for some fairly minor misdemeanours. Ha! Luckily, my friends – old and new – do appear to have infinite time for fools....well, this fool at least. They have been so much more patient with me than I ever would've been. I am in awe at their ability to refrain from banging my head against a wall as they listen to yet another tale of ridiculous behaviour (all remarkably similar too I'm afraid). I am forever grateful that each one of them waited patiently for the real Michelle to start to re-emerge from the proper rubbish imitation I've been for a while.
Some of these friends have been around since I was a baby (honestly....Hey TJ!), some I collected throughout my childhood - at school and other such places, some through my teenage years. I've collected a fair few during my working life in the various offices and departments I worked in, some came to me as friends of friends. I've made friends at the school gates, at evening classes – just about everywhere really. And it never ceases to surprise me that, just when I think I won't ever make any new friends, that actually, I have enough already, new ones crop up. I started my new job believing I already had all the friends I would ever make.......stupid woman! There are some pretty amazing pals there too.
So, my friends are a vital part of my world. And I have so many things to look forward to sharing with them; a girl's night out with much catching up and many laughs, a sunny weekend in Cornwall, shared sangria in Gran Canaria, plentiful birthday celebrations, silliness at work, picnics in the park, brunches and lunches in Bristol, pub lunches and dog walking, chatting and tea/coffee/wine/vodka on a brand new balcony, NYC....maybe (go on, you know you want to...!) – the list is endless.
So, here's to them.
Cheers. I you all. :o)